Social Login Setup

Social Login Setup

If you get any error during social login, please make sure about these:
  • Callback url
  • Cliend IDs and Secret Keys
  • Save keys to the .env file.


  1. Visit GitHub application manager: (if you don’t have an account, create an GitHub account first)

  2. Fill input like this:
    1. Application name: Your Project Name
    2. Homepage URL:
    3. Authorization callback URL:
    4. Click “Register application” button.
  3. Copy your API keys
    1. Click the Generate a new client secret and generate key.
    2. Copy ClientID and paste to your .env file like this
    3. Copy Client secret and paste to your .env file like this
  4. Go to the Settings > General and find Social Login area and enable Github. Then save settings.


  1. Visit Google API Console: (if you don’t have an account, create Google account first)
  2. Create a new project
  3. Set project name and click Create

  4. Click “Credentials” on the side menu then “Create Credentials > OAuth client ID” 
  5. Click the configure
  6. Set “External” 
  7. Fill Application name and email then complete the process.

  8. Again: Click “Credentials” on the side menu then “Create Credentials > OAuth client ID”
  9. Fill 1 and 2 points as example
  10. Paste your keys
    1. Copy ClientID and paste to your .env file like this
    2. Copy Client Secret and paste to your .env file like this
  11. Go to the Settings > General and find Social Login area and enable Google. Then save settings.


  1. Follow these steps:
  2. Still if you didn’t add callback url, Click Facebook Login > Settings then fill Valid OAuth Redirect URIs as example:
  3. Paste your keys 
    1. Copy App ID and paste to your .env file like this
    2. Copy App Secret and paste to your .env file like this
  4. Go to the Settings > General and find Social Login area and enable Facebook. Then save settings. 

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